Wednesday, May 7, 2008

100% Organic

In today's world of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, genetically altered foods and depleted soil ... sometimes it's nice to know you are getting something truly fresh and 100% organic!!! [grin]


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! I love frogs, but not in my salad greens!

Happy Day!

Charis said...

Is that a real live frog? Or a joke? That is just crazy!

Keely said...

It is a real frog, but how it got in there could be a different story! This was from an email that was going around! [grin]


HiHoRosie said...


Having the frog in the package kinda throws the true weight of the greens off! lol

That is pretty wild. :)

Candice Davis said...


Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Don't need to explain where the protein in those greens is going to come from!

Lesley Anne said...

Funny stuff:) I wish I got a frog with every bag of lettuce I bought-what a cutie.

Anonymous said...

hi...i love your blog...i live in columbus...i was wondering if you new about the columbus raw food group called COLUMBUS's through just joined and there are alot of raw foodies in columbus area...i was surprised...if you didn't know about it please go to and join...shawna stursa is the group leader...there will be a sharing circle this month...check it out...take care...

Keely said...

WOW! I had no idea so many people had dropped by since last I checked!!!

I promise I will try to post something interesting this week! I've been keeping very busy over at The Raw Divas!!! (grin)

cy said...

haha, s/he looks really content in there! xoxo Cy

Anonymous said...

hey love! i had to link this post! you made my evening!
I am so glad I found you and your delightful blog!