I'm getting just a wee bit tired of some of these raw food "gurus" sending out messages that we are heading into a swine flu epidemic and that if you want to survive, simply buy their informative teleseminar on the subject of the Swine Flu. Seriously ... if they really wanted to help us, shouldn't that information be made public for free?
So I thought I would do my part!!! As laughter is supposed to be the best medicine, and eating a healthy raw diet ranks right up there ... here is what I want you to do:
1) Help the doctor inoculate the little flying piggies so they are healthy again in the fun little game above!
2) Head over to The Green Smoothie Blog and hop onboard the free Green Smoothie Revival being held through that blog!!! The first message in the series was on May 8th, so you will need to scroll back a bit.
Now THAT should get you feeling all super- duper! :LOL: